dijous, 9 de febrer del 2012

Wordsearches and mosquitos!!!

We found some brilliant wordsearches all about the long 'a' sound. Sara's has 30 words with the 'a_e' spelling and Judith's has 39 words with the 'ai' spelling pattern. These are VERY BIG wordsearches! We have done a little bit everyday for a couple of days and now they are done, look how lovely and colourful they are: (and how difficult!!)

I'm not quite sure how, but we ended up talking about mosquitoes this morning, I couldn't answer their questions so they looked up 'mosquitoes' in the children's encyclopedia I found in my brother's bedroom at Christmas. It's a little bit old, it still says that the currecny for Spain is the peseta! But, the information on mosquitoes still seems relevant. The girls found the page on their own using the index, and then Judith read it:

4 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Nice learning work and nice morning, too!

Jordi&Maria ha dit...

Thank you Lidia,its amazing how quick they learn!

Sylvia ha dit...

Ha quedat mol maco amb tants colors!

Petons María

Jordi&Maria ha dit...

Gràcies Sylvia!