dissabte, 23 de març del 2013


This week brought the first day of Spring and the sun came out for it.  Sara, Judit and Jordi spent much of the week outdoors playing, running around and exploring the nature around them.  We had some fun activitys to celebrate the first day of Spring, First we made some flowers using card, pastels, egg boxed and glue and even Jordi really enjoyed this and he made is own from start to finish with very little help.  We then went outside to explore and see the new flowers and plants that have came to life with the sun and we picked and collected all different kinds of flowers and plants. Some of the flowers were used to stick onto the flowers we had just made so they had real leaves on stems with the rest me made little boquets of all the different kinds we had collected an Sara and Judit arranged them into a cone to make a Spring gift. We had some left over so we made hair bands for Sara and Judit so they could be flower fairys!
With the weather changing and getting warmer everyday it means all the time to play and learn outdoors, trips to the beach and exploring new places Sara, Judit and Jordi are all really looking forward to this and they are working very hard on their homework and making plans for nice days as well as spending all the time they can at the moment outdoors playing on bikes, roller blades and with balloons!