divendres, 1 de març del 2013

Gingerbread house

This week Sara and Judit came up with the idea of making a gingerbread house so after all of our homework was finished the girls started by looking for pictures and recipes of gingerbread houses they would like to make. When they decided on one, they carefully copied out the recipe and wrote a shopping list of all the things we needed including ´´lots of sweeties´´. The gingerbread house turned out to be the most dificult thing we have made despite this both Sara and Judit followed the recipe well and took instruction well when they needed it and little Jordi helped the whole time making his own biscuits with the left over dough. It was a full day of mixing, melting, rolling, cutting, iccing, decorating and eating! All the children had so much fun and along with some star biscuits they made the gingerbread house turned out excellent and Sara, Judit and Jordi were all very proud of what they made.